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Professional Email Marketing Service Company

Build Stronger Relationships with Your Customers Using Our Expert Email Marketing Services

Turn every click into a customer by practicing personalized and Fully Managed email marketing services. Billions of people use email daily. It’s a great way to reach customers. Sariya IT digital marketing agency builds email campaigns for businesses to connect with customers so that you can sell more!

Person checking email on mobile phone with laptop displaying email marketing service example

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Person typing on laptop with email marketing service example on screen

What Is Email Marketing

Sending emails to people about your business is called email marketing. It’s a good way to stay connected with customers and tell them about new things, special offers, or upcoming events.

Many people like getting emails from businesses, and companies can use special tools to make them personalized and interesting. This type of marketing is widely used, with almost all businesses sending emails to promote themselves.

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Benefits Email Marketing Tools Can Bring to Your Business

While social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have large user bases, email marketing still has the charm for a successful digital marketing campaign. Its popularity comes from several key advantages that contribute to driving revenue growth.

Unmatched Accessibility

Unlike social media posts that can get buried by algorithms, emails have a direct line to your audience’s inboxes. That’s because 72% of email users check their inboxes over six times a day, and nearly everyone (92%) has at least one email account.

This means your message has a much higher chance of being seen compared to social media.


Compared to traditional marketing methods like print ads or television commercials, email marketing offers a significantly more cost-effective solution. There are no printing or postage costs involved, and sending targeted campaigns to specific audience segments takes just minutes.

Besides, nurturing existing customers through email is 6-12 times less expensive than acquiring new ones through other channels.

Building Stronger Customer Relationships

Email marketing goes beyond simply sending promotional messages. It makes a two-way communication channel that allows you to connect with your customers on a more personal level. Regular email keeps your customers informed and lets you take their feedback.

You can send targeted emails with relevant content and special offers. based on your customer’s purchase history.

Reaching A More Targeted Audience

Email marketing campaigns have the potential to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods. Unlike social media platforms with regional limitations or algorithmic restrictions, emails can reach your target audience anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection.

Moreover, you can create targeted campaigns based on demographics, interests, purchase history, and other relevant factors. This ensures your message reaches the most interested individuals.

The Power of Personalization

Instead of sending the same boring message to everyone, email marketing lets you personalize things. You can use what you know about your customers, like their past purchases, to send them emails with special offers and recommendations they’ll actually care about.

This personalized touch makes them feel valued and more likely to want to do business with you.

Measurable Results and Continuous Improvement

Email marketing tools let you see exactly how well it’s working. You can track things like how many people open your emails, click on the links inside, and even make purchases. This information helps you understand what your audience likes and what you can do better.

By using this feedback, you can constantly improve your emails and get the most out of your marketing efforts.

Clients Who Are Satisfied with Our Email Marketing Services

Get More Sales with Our Powerful Email Marketing Services

Sariya IT isn’t just another email marketing agency, we are your growth partner. Instead of sending generic emails, we dive deep into your goals. Our team developed a data-powered strategy to take your business forward.

Effective Strategy Development

Sariya IT’s email marketing services can help you get more people to open and click on your emails. We can also help you build a stronger brand and connect better with your target audience.

By sending well-planned emails to potential, current, and past customers, you can improve your sales, make more money, and get more out of your marketing overall.

Our team is good at helping businesses get the most out of their investment by combining email and text message marketing into one plan. We make sure you send the right message to the right people at the right time, using the best way to reach them.

List Building & Management Services

Having a big list of email and text message subscribers is important for your business to grow. We can help you build this list by creating a plan to attract high-quality new people.

We have a lot of experience and knowledge in marketing, and we always stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This means we can create the best way to get new people interested in joining your email and text message list.

After building a comprehensive list it’s important to keep it up-to-date. Otherwise, your email marketing effort will be ruined due to misleading info. Our email management service keeps the email info relevant and updated.

Campaign Planning & Implementation

Creating campaigns that work together is important for building brand awareness. Our email marketing experts will design, plan, and run campaigns that match your brand, voice, and look. We will also make sure your email campaigns work well with your text message efforts, so your brand image stays consistent across both channels.


We take a look at your past and current marketing plans to find ways to improve them, see new opportunities, and create a custom solution to help you attract, turn leads into customers, and keep them coming back.

Data-Driven Automation

Email marketing offers people what they want when they want. We will work with you to track important info about your audience and use it to create the best email marketing plan. It helps us find new customers, keep existing ones happy, and turn more people into paying customers.

Our emailing software can send emails based on what your audience does, so they only get messages that are relevant to them at that specific time.

Email Template Design

Sariya IT email graphic design team develops eye-catching templates that improve your brand outlook.  With outstanding templates, we showcase your new offerings. We also can develop interactive designs for things like contact info, calls to action, social media, and surveys. In this way, we can follow up on the click rate.

Landing Page Design

We can design attractive landing pages that are basically special web pages where visitors are encouraged to take action. For example, signing up, answering surveys, buying something, or following you on social media. Clear and engaging landing pages let you get more people to do what you want them to do.

We’ll take a look at your past and current marketing plans to find ways to improve them, see new opportunities, and create a custom solution to help you attract, turn leads into customers, and keep them coming back.

Multi-Device Compatibility

Responsive design is no longer optional in email marketing, especially with the rise of mobile usage. At Sariya IT, we understand that your emails need to look great and function seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. 

Our team crafts email campaigns that adapt to any screen size, ensuring your message reaches your audience in a clear and user-friendly format, regardless of their preferred device.

This commitment to accessibility empowers you to connect with your target audience effectively, driving engagement and conversions no matter how they choose to access their inbox.

Testing & Improvement

We help you attract the right customers, keep them interested, and ultimately get more sales. We use data to track how your emails are performing, including how many people open them, click on links, and have them bounce back.

We also look at how your emails look and are coded, and make sure they don’t get caught in spam filters so they reach the people you want them to.

Email Copywriting

Our team of expert email content writers develops informative and interesting emails. We know the tricks to grab someone’s attention and encourage them to take action. Our writing skills along with remarkable email templates ensure your messages get opened and read thoroughly.

We also look at how your emails look and are coded, and make sure they don’t get caught in spam filters so they reach the people you want them to.

Check Out Some of Our Impressive Email Marketing Work

Steps of Our Email Marketing Service

At Sariya IT, we prioritize creating a mobile-first experience for your clients when they visit your website. To do that we follow the below simple stages.


Planning Together

We start our process by understanding your goals for email marketing. Based on that our team maps out the different stages your customers go through when interacting with your brand, and then creates a schedule for sending targeted emails at the most impactful moments. We also identify key areas with high potential for improvement, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for success.


Capture More Leads

We make sure your website forms work smoothly so you can easily collect email addresses and phone numbers from visitors. This will help you grow your list of potential customers.


Stay Connected

Our team will discuss with you setting up a regular sending schedule so that your subscribers receive valuable content at predictable intervals. This not only keeps your brand fresh in their minds but also inspires them to make a purchase. Of course, we will prioritize the best practices to minimize the chance of your emails ending up in spam folders.


Automate and Convert

To take your email marketing to the next level, we prioritize setting up powerful automated campaigns triggered by specific customer actions.  Our email marketing software automatically sends warm welcome emails to new subscribers or friendly reminders about abandoned shopping carts. These personalized messages can significantly boost your conversion rates and drive sales.


Clean Up & Personalize

Understanding the importance of a clean and engaged email list, we implement best practices to maintain its health. This includes removing inactive subscribers and ensuring optimal deliverability and overall campaign performance.

Besides, we also utilize subscriber data to segment your list into specific groups. This enables you to deliver personalized emails tailored to their interests and preferences, ultimately maximizing engagement and conversions.


Track & Improve

We strongly believe in the power of continuous monitoring and improvement. Our dedicated team will consistently track your email marketing performance, analyzing key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

By closely monitoring these key performance indicators (KPIs) and making data-driven adjustments to your strategy, we ensure your email marketing campaigns deliver exceptional results and contribute significantly to your overall marketing success.

See What Our Clients Say About Us

Why You Should Choose Us Over Other Email Marketing Companies

Comprehensive Email Marketing Solutions

Whether you're a Shopify expert or just need email marketing for your B2B or B2C business, our extensive services are ready to serve businesses at every stage. We make sure not to overdo your email marketing costs. We do our research to understand your unique needs and tailor a strategy that adds value to your online marketing campaign.

Data-Driven Optimization

We don't just send emails and cross our fingers. Our team thoroughly analyzes every aspect of your campaign, from subject lines to content, using data-driven insights to ensure your emails hit the mark and deliver exceptional results.

Laser-Targeted Messaging

Not everyone wants the same message. That's why we group your audience and send them emails at the perfect time.

Holistic Marketing Power

Email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle. We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, including SEO and online reputation management, that work together to maximize your overall marketing impact.

Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips

Gain valuable insights into your campaign's performance with our detailed monthly reports. Track key metrics like open rates, website traffic, and leads generated to understand what's working and make informed decisions for future campaigns.

A Team of Seasoned Professionals

Our team boasts extensive experience and expertise across various email platforms. We stay ahead of the curve on the latest trends and strategies, ensuring your campaigns are always optimized for the best possible results.

The Masterminds Behind Email Marketing

A K M Mohimanul

Principal Creative Developer

Abul Hasnat Himel

Motion Graphic Designer

Let Sariya IT Be Your Ultimate Partner in Email Marketing

Email marketing done wrong can hurt your business. Unclear messages and bad timing can drive customers away.

But don’t worry about it when Sariya IT is here to help! We’re experts in email marketing for both businesses and consumers. Talk to our email marketing specialists today! Let’s figure out the best way to reach your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequency of your emails depends on your audience and content. It’s important not to overwhelm people with too many emails, but you also don’t want to be forgotten. Aim for a consistent sending schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

There are many different types of email marketing campaigns, each serving a specific purpose. Here are a few examples:

  • Welcome emails: Introduce new subscribers to your brand and provide them with valuable information.
  • Promotional emails: Offer discounts, coupons, and other special offers to encourage purchases.
  • Newsletter emails: Share valuable content like blog posts, industry news, and tips to keep your audience engaged.
  • Re-engagement emails: Send emails to inactive subscribers and try to win them back.
  • Transactional emails: Send automated emails like order confirmations, shipping notifications, and password resets.

Can I do email marketing myself, or do I need to hire a professional?

You can certainly get started with email marketing yourself, especially if your needs are modest. However, as your business grows and your email marketing strategy becomes more complex, it might be beneficial to consider hiring a professional email marketing agency. They can provide expertise, resources, and time to help you achieve your marketing goals.

It’s crucial to comply with anti-spam regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States. This means you must:

  • Obtain explicit permission from people before adding them to your email list (opt-in).
  • Provide a clear and easy way for people to unsubscribe from your emails.
  • Identify yourself and your business in all email communications.
  • Display your valid business postal address in your emails.

Track key indicators to measure your email marketing success:


  • Open rate: This shows how many recipients actually opened your email.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): This reveals the percentage of people who clicked on a link within your email.
  • Conversion rate: This metric indicates the percentage of individuals who completed your desired action, like buying a product or signing up for a trial.
  • Unsubscribe rate: This tracks the percentage of subscribers who opted out of receiving your emails.

Building an email list takes time and effort, but starting small doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. Here are some tips:

  • Offer valuable incentives: Encourage people to sign up with exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products.
  • Promote your signup form across channels: Add signup forms to your website, social media pages, and even include them in your physical store if applicable.
  • Run contests or giveaways: Generate excitement and collect email addresses by hosting contests or giveaways with attractive prizes.

Several things can help avoid the spam folder:

  • Avoid spammy tactics: Don’t use all caps, excessive exclamation points, or misleading subject lines.
  • Maintain a clean email list: Regularly remove inactive subscribers to improve your sender reputation.
  • Authenticate your emails: Implement email authentication protocols to verify your legitimacy as a sender.

A successful marketing strategy often involves a multi-channel approach. Here’s how to integrate email marketing with other channels:

  • Promote your email signup on social media platforms and your website.
  • Include social media sharing buttons in your emails to encourage further reach.
  • Run targeted ads on social media platforms based on your email list demographics.
  • Use email marketing to nurture leads generated through other channels.

The future of email marketing is expected to see increased personalization, automation, and interactivity. Here are some potential trends to watch for:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered email marketing: AI can help personalize content recommendations and optimize sending times based on individual subscriber behavior.
  • Interactive email content: Expect to see more emails incorporating elements like polls, quizzes, and augmented reality experiences to enhance engagement.
  • Focus on privacy and security: As data privacy regulations evolve, expect email marketing to prioritize secure data handling and transparent communication with subscribers.
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